Monday, January 19, 2009

I am totally and completely not over YOU!!!

what is life without love?….empty…meaningless. it is true that love makes the world go ’round. life is pointless without love. no one ever goes through life without ever experiencing love. there are an infinite number of ways to show and feel love.
but no matter how true and pure love is, why does it always entail pain?
the greatest feeling in the world is love…but it is also capable of giving you the worst feeling ever. the happiest moments of our lives are always moments of great, deep and true love…wedding’s, child-birth, etc. but the most painful moments are always connected to love as well…death, separation, betrayal, etc. therefore, we can say that with love always comes pain…and also, there cannot be pain if there is not love first.
this sometimes makes me think that i’d rather not love…because loving would mean experiencing pain. when we love, we feel great happiness…bliss. but, at the same time, we also experience pain. because we cannot feel any hurt from someone we do not love. and at the same time, we can only get happiness from someone we truly love.
so what are we to do? live life according to the phrases:
- "it is better to have loved & lost than to not have loved at all"
- "u can never know the sweet until u taste the sour"
- "suck in the experience, if it hurts, then it’s probably worth it"
or save ourselves & simply not love at all?
personally, i think love is worth all the pain, hurt & s*#t. we live but once…to hell with getting hurt! to hell with the pain & hurt! it’s all worth it! it is those bittersweet moments and moments of bliss that make life worth living…so don’t be afraid, dont hold back, take the plunge!

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