Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The latest on ME!!!

okay so i'm supposed to be reading "New Moon" right now but i wanted to do a fast post...

Today was boring except for Kevin being sweet and giving me load once again...he's really it;s really boring at work i miss was busy but it's just boring...and Stephanie was making fun of this red dot i have on my leg...she was like "isn't that supposed to be on your neck" (F.Y.I: it looks like a hickey) i was like "It's not a HICKEY!" and also we were cleaning the spice holder thingy the small jars and Stepahnie found a condom!!! man we were like what?!?!? and then Step was like maybe it's to spice up..(get it Spice up/spice holder) and i was like if we take it out then it will spice up coz they're taking a i fell running to the counter to show Aunty sheila...we were like what if a customer bought it...i had to "DISPOSE of the C" immediately...(i just through it in the garbage)...then we went back to our normal lives...(BORING!!!) the end..people plz help me decide...where to school this year:

Philippines- Private School/live with gradparents
U.S.A- Private School/live with cousin
Australia- boarding school/boy & girls or all girls...
PNG- LCA...except only 6 students in my class including me...

HELP please!!! comments on my CBOX i'll take anyone's opinion!!!!!!ANYONE i tell you!!!!

*Live* *Laugh* *Love JONAS!*

btw can't wait for Feb to come along :new song from the Jonas Brothers and New 3D concert MOVIE!!! yippeee!!!!!!!! *Hi-Five!*

yeah well...


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