Wednesday, October 22, 2008

...Two Worlds Collide...Chp.2

---- At the airport ----
Fan # 1: ahhh!!!!! The Jonas Brothers are here!!
Joe: [gets out of the car] not again…
Nick: [comes out of the car and waves at the fans then follows Joe inside] when does the plane leave?
Kevin: [gets out of the car and follows his brothers to their private terminal] in 30 minutes…
Fan # 2: OMG!!!!!! Roxy’s HERE!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!
Roxy: [gets out of the car with KC following] hi everyone!!! [Signs a couple of autographs and takes a couple of pics then heads inside]
Big Rob: KC are you alright? You look pale…
KC: yeah I’m fine Big Rob… [Walks inside with the Jonas’s, Roxy and Big Rob.]
Mrs. Jonas: okay boys here are your seating places…Joe you sit next to Roxy and Big Rob, Kevin gets a window seat by himself, and Nick you sit next to KC and Frankie…okay?
Boys: okay… [They take their carry-on luggage then get in the plane and take their seats with Big Rob following]
Roxy: [gets in the plane and takes her seat between Big Rob and Joe] hi guys…
KC: Mr. and Mrs. Jonas go ahead inside I just have to make a quick call…
Mrs. Jonas: okay…come on hon. [they go inside]
---- Phone Convo ----
? Hello?
KC: hey I’m about to get on the plane…
? You’ll bring me back a souvenir right?
KC: I sure will Blake…I promise take care okay? And don’t fight with the other kids there…
Blake: okay…Love you…
KC: love you too Blakey…I’ll call again later when we land…
Blake: okay…
---- End of Phone Convo ----
KC: [gets in the plane and takes her seat beside Nick] um if you don’t want me to sit here I can move…
Frankie: no stay! We want you to sit here right Nick?
Nick: uh yeah…were fine with you sitting here…
KC; Okay…
--------- 2 Hours Later -----------
KC and Nick had fallen asleep listening to Nick’s iPhone, Frankie had fallen asleep on Nick’s lap, Joe and Roxy were busy talking and Kevin was asleep…

Mr. Jonas: [walks over to Nick, Frankie and KC] Nick, KC, Frankie….we’re about to land…
Nick: [slowly gets up without moving KC’s hand from his] Frankie wake up…
Frankie: [sits back down and stretches] what about KC?
Nick: wait… [Fixes his iPhone so that it was on camera] smile Frankie…
[He presses the camera button which instantly takes a picture]
KC: [moves a little bit] what….what’s happening?
Nick: we’re about to land…
KC: oh… [Moves back into her proper seating position] uh…sorry for sleeping on your shoulder… [Blushes]
Nick: it’s okay…

next: they start shooting the movie...will romance bloom?!?!?

P.S: i put "My Only Hope" on hiatus coz i can't think of an idea yet...i'm not good on essay writing...

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